Thursday, December 11, 2008

the Christmas blog debut

OMG. (getting my calendar)... (scribbling some words)... Dec 11 2008 :) -my first OFFICIAL (because back at grade school, we were FORCED to do these kinds of things) blog entry. confetti anyone?? thanks.

whew. gotta catch my breath. wait. what happened to Chrstmas? is it just me or is Christmas in the Philippines getting colder and colder? :( ZZ ...oh i just remembered. i still have a folk dance class tomorrow morning and i'm still dumped at the computer sharing my uncultivated thoughts about the ICE COLD (caps lock on!! yeah) Christmas of 2009. forget about my dance class. what about your thoughts on Christmas this year?

........ .........

told 'ya. worry not!! we're not alone. thousands (exaggerating...) of my friends feel the same. yipeee. *wait* why am i happy? haha just kidding. is love the reason of feeling blue this season? uhmmmm. a big NO. in fact, even the award winning PDA couples of our universitiy feel this kind of melancholy, gloom, desolation. (ooops. abused the exaggeration.. sorry). hmmm money? WTF!... who suffers who from scarcity during christmas season?!? i mean everyone's got their ninangs, super fake santa clauses, sugar mommies etc. for their financial bliss. even the kids in the time of Lapu-Lapu got their share of wealth during seasons of plenty, i guess...

arghh. hit me! (waphaak).. thanks.. tell me to stick to the topic...... school? friends? Arroyo's reign? a lost DOTA game? lack of snow? i'm wasting eternity here trying to figure out something unfigure-outtable (yey how bout that Webster?). Christmas begins with yourself. REALLY. enough with the super cheesy lines from Edward Cullen... Chrsitmas begins with you. you and you. spread the love. :) for God's sake, why do we keep on counting things we don't have and take for granted the things that are just on our doorstep? (woah.. i sounded like my 2nd year Religion teacher that moment).. im 99% sure ALL of you have SOMETHING to be thankful for.. (except Eva Fonda.. that unlucky girl tsktsk).. hmm maybe a 1.5 graded exam should be well-thanked for. a sweet suitor should also be included in our thanksgiving prayers. dont forget the fair sunny day when you and your barkada had you gimmick. isn't that a nice blessing? well... (woah!! my dance class!!!) waaaa. oh well. just tell someone u love him/her. who knows... you'll be sending that person to his/her Eden with just that line... (sorry Edward Cullen). oh well.. gotta call it a day :)

and by the way.... can i have your picture??? .......i just wanna show santa what i want for christmas :D

Verrry Merrry Christmas everyone!

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